Doctor Särmä’s school of etiquette – five steps towards equality
Doctor of International Politics, Saara Särmä is the founder of the world-famous webpage Congrats, You Have an All Male Panel. She also leads the feminist think tank Hattu and wants to release people from the shackles of gender roles.
Feminist think tank Hattu carried out a project, funded by the Kone foundation, called Women Out! which aimed at bringing forth women’s expertise and encouraged women to be more daring.
Saara Särmä took part in an equality seminar on 19th of November which dealt with the equal opportunities for men and women to be involved in politics, held in the House of Commons at the British Parliament. The seminar was called Gender Sensitive Parliaments and the UK House of Commons: Insensivities and reforms
The Finnish Institute in London asked Doctor Särmä to summarise five action points, which help everyone to learn how to dare and to promote a more equal society.
1) Compliment a woman or two every day. Women are often under a critical gaze that can easily be internalized. It is crucial to bring attention to women’s skills and expertise, which remains hidden in society.
2) Do not take yourself too seriously, woman! The borders of credibility are narrow and conflicted. By obeying them, you only end up in an overhang knot.
3) Take ownership of your own expertise. Never undermine your own skills, instead, promote them bravely.
4) Claim your space unapolotegically. Stand up, take a stand. Do not make yourself smaller.
5) Don’t be afraid of making a fool of yourself. It’s not that big of a deal.
Feminist think thank Hattu and the Finnish Institute in London and Tampere Hall in Finland are collaborating to bring Women of the World (WOW) to Finland in 2017. WOW is organised in celebration of women and the 100th anniversary of Finland’s independence