Picture: Hanna Moisala Meet the Finnish performers at CircusFest 2016 at Jacksons Lane
Finnish contemporary circus is showcased at Jacksons Lane’s gothic atmosphere in North London by three new Finnish circus acts 12 - 16 April. Here we present the groups more in detail.
Three exclusive premieres Sceno, Pinta and WireDo present the rising talent of contemporary circus with performances that combine physicality with central themes of human life such as change, stepping out of one’s comfort zone, success and failure.
Sceno is a display of skillful acrobatic movement, strongman tricks and juggling, framed with live music and video. It’s about the beauty of human capabilities, the things we can achieve and the things we fail to do. By turns mischievous, daring and funny, Sceno is a joyous new work from the acclaimed young Finnish company Agit-Cirk. Sakari Männistö directs the performance.
More information on Agit-Cirk.Pinta is an exceptional solo performance focusing on a vertical rope acrobatics. Performed by aerial acrobat Salla Hakanpää and directed by Ville Walo, Pinta creates magical images of weightlessness in a dialogue between the body and the object, the air and water. An intensive duet between the artist and the rope, this is a remarkable play of light, liquid and image in a captivating spectacle of beauty. Pinta is a collaboration oof Zero Gravity Company and WHS.
More information on Zero Gravity Company and WHS.In WireDo, with her body, a tightwire and a physical composition that draws on the Japanese art of Kinbaku (Shibari), Hanna Moisala tells a gripping story of stepping out of one’s comfort zone. With its three-dimensional view and daring combination of Kinbaku and tightwire, WireDo explores the inner balance of human behavior, posing the question ‘what happens to the body when we choose to change our daily routine?’
More information on Hanna Moisala.Tickets are now available here. Stay tuned for sneak peeks on the performances by following the Institute’s and Jacksons Lane’s Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.
The Finnish showcase is organised in collaboration with Jacksons Lane and CircusInfo Finland.