Lessons in Design Export for London, Tokyo and New York

Image: Pentagon Design

A group of international design professionals are coming together in Helsinki 25. March to share their insider knowledge about the design industry in London, Tokyo and New York with Finnish designers as a part of a specialist design export seminar.

Finnish design is exhibited in many different international events and exhibitions annually. These events do not only have a cultural significance, they also act as an important commercial vehicle for Finnish design. 2010 Finnish design was exhibited widely in London, New York and Tokyo. The Finnish Institute in London designed a pr package for the exbition participants which now continues with the seminar in Helsinki.

The seminar focuses on how to build a international pr campaign, design sales and the legal aspects of design export. The speakers for the day include William Knight (Executive Producer, London Design Festival), Kitty Duncan (Account Director, Camron PR), Chiyuki Komuro (CEO, team CK), Mike Klyszeiko (Director/Business Development, KOOL&co) ja Jarno Vanto (Attorney-At-Law, Vanto Law PLLC). Katja Lindroos is the moderator for the day. The seminar aims to teach the participants how to best deal with the international press, media and prospective clients.

There will be a workshop for the participating designers lead by Katja Lindroos in the run up to the seminar. The designers will be able to practice pitching with and in front of the group - and get feedback on their pr and marketing materials. Saku Tuominen will be the guest speaker for the day.

Design Export Seminar, 25.3.2011 klo 9-17, Astoria-sali, Iso Roobertinkatu 14, Helsinki

The seminar is organised by Design Forum Finland in collaboration with the Finnish Institute in London, the Finnish Cultural Institute in New York and Finnish Institute in Tokio, Embassy of Finland, New York and Idealist Group.

More information:
Mari Kallionpää
Design Forum Finland
tel. +358 (0)9 6220 8117

Laila Alanen
Design Forum Finland
tel. +358 (0) 50 548 4114