Take part in a Facebook competition and win tickets to see REDDRESS in London!

World Design Capital Helsinki 2012 has launched a Facebook competition where you could win a trip to London during London Design Festival 2011 including tickets to see Finnish Institute's REDDESS event in September.
Design as part of Life - London Design Festival Competition
The many little details that improve our everyday lives are most often the result of the ingenious minds of designers. Nevertheless, almost as often lay(wo)men come up with little inventions, that is, we might use objects in ways that were not intended, but which bring us joy and facilitate everyday chores.
How is design a part of your life, in your routines or celebrations, the little events or grand occasions?
We are now collecting photos of how design is integrated in the daily lives of people. Add a picture where design plays a part in your life on the wall of the event. It can be really inventive but needs not be, it can be unusual or just plain ordinary, big or small - as long as it is something that you use or do.
Participate here:
Competition in Facebook
Thus, click ‘attending' and post your photo on the event wall. To be included in our competition you must fill a form at http://www.wdchelsinki2012.fi/ldf-kilpailu
We will be giving out a roundtrip flight on Blue1 from Helsinki to London during London Design Festival this September including two nights at a hotel and a ticket to a concert during the REDDRESS London event.
London Design Festival