Johannes Reponen


Johannes Reponen is the editor of Address - journal for fashion writing and criticism, which launched in October 2011. He is also a lecturer in fashion communication and fashion design and a freelance fashion consultant.

Johannes Reponen attempts to think, talk, test and take forward ideas around fashion criticism through editorial practice, writing and research. He is the editor of Address - journal for fashion writing and criticism, which launched in October 2011. The aim of Address is to discuss fashion through a variety of written and visual pieces presented from multiple perspectives as a critique on fashion and in order to comment, challenge and explore the subject. Reponen is also a lecturer in fashion communication and fashion design and a freelance fashion consultant.

1. What drives you?
Knowledge of the fact that more should be done.

2. Where do you do your best thinking?
Early in the morning when traveling. Wherever, laterally and whenever, vertically. Whilst running.

3. Who would you love to collaborate with?
It would have been fascinating to collaborate with Mallarmé on the 8 issues of La Dernière Mode he did in 1874 despite the fact that I speak limited French. It would have been hilarious to collaborate Richard Blackwell on his ‘worst dress lists' (published between 1960 - 2008). It would be inspiring to collaborate with DIS and 032c as they are the only genuinely interesting and forward thinking fashion platforms around at the moment. If I have to name a Finn, it would be Kaarina Suonperä.

4. What is the biggest challenge in today's society?
Low boredom threshold levels - we can all learn more from Proust. His brother Robert said that: "The sad thing is that people have to be very ill or have a broken a leg in order to have the opportunity to read In Search of Lost Time" but we now expect everything to be bit-sized and pre-processed.

5. Where would you like to be in 2020?

Somewhere where the days are longer so that more could be done.

More information:
ADDRESS - journal for fashion writing and criticism