Finnish Open Knowledge Community Is Getting Active

Image: Open Knowledge Finland meet-up on 30.11.2011 / Hannu Mäkäräinen, 2011
The Finnish Open Knowledge community is working actively in spring 2012. New meet-ups are being organised already in Tampere and Helsinki.
The inaugural Open Knowledge Finland meet-up was held in Helsinki on 30 November 2011. The Finnish Institute in London took part in establishing a new network of open knowledge stakeholders and communities in Finland and internationally through the Open Knowledge Foundation. Kat Braybrooke, Community Coordinator at the Open Knowledge Foundation, writes about her experiences of the meet-up on our blog.
The Finnish Open Knowledge network has been quick to initiate its activities around Finland. Discussion has focused on open data - naturally online and in social media. One central forum has been the "Finnish Open Data Ecosystem" facebook group. The theme of the latest event in Tampere on 16 January was open data and the CKAN data catalogue. The next meeting in Helsinki on 28 January will focus on open design. It will be held at Aalto Media Factory as part of the Alternative Design Capital 2012 meet-up.
More information:
Alternative Design Capital 2012
Open Knowledge Foundation Finland
Open Knowledge Foundation Finland mailing list