Instituutti mediassa
Sirkus (Circus Fest 2016)
Pakolaiset mediassa (2016)
Instituuttien blogi: Turvaaetsimassa 4.5.2016
Radio Helsingin Tasavalta-ohjelma + podcast 4.5.2016
WOW - Women of the World
Kansainvälinen feminismin ja kulttuurin festivaali Tampereelle.
8.3.2016 Helsingin SanomatWOW Finland juhlistaa naisten saavutuksia Suomen juhlavuonna.
Aamulehti 15.1.2016FINSK
Finsk haluaa olla kenkien shamppanjaa ja myy Gagalle ja Rihannalle
Kauppalehti 11.1.2016INSTITUUTTI
Suomalaisen kulttuurin edistäjän nimen pitää toimia Lontoossa – Anni-Maijasta tuli Animaya.
Helsingin Sanomat 9.11.2015
Finsk haluaa olla kenkien shamppanjaa ja myy Gagalle ja Rihannalle
Kauppalehti 11.1.2016Suomalaisen kulttuurin edistäjän nimen pitää toimia Lontoossa – Anni-Maijasta tuli Animaya.
Helsingin Sanomat 9.11.2015Tasa-arvo takaa parhaiten rauhallisen yhteiskunnan – Lehtitietojen mukaan ero rikkaimman ja köyhimmän kymmenen prosentin välillä on Lontoossa kasvanut 273-kertaiseksi
Kolmannes pk-yrityksistä kokee yhteiskuntavastuun tärkeäksi
Yliopisto kukoistaa lahjoitusvaroin
Utomstående demoner?
Kuntosali Lontoossa toimii Robin Hood -periaatteella – Britanniassa yhteiskunnalliset yritykset ovat jo iso bisnes
Yhteiskunnallinen yrittäjyys tekee tuloaan myös Suomeen – Hallitus uudistaa lakia sosiaalisista yrityksistä ja haarukoi keinoja tukea "neljännen sektorin" toimintaa
Nuorisotyöttömyys vaatii nopeita toimia – Työttömyyden hoidossa yhteiskunnallinen yrittäjyys on yksi mahdollisuus
Lukukausimaksuissa olisi opittavaa Britanniasta
Iso yhteiskunta, pieni valtio
Olli-Matti Nykänen, Suomen Lontoon instituutin projektikoordinaattori, Ulkopolitiikka 2/2011
Väärin käsitetty Englannin korkeakoulu-uudistus
Tiedon avoimuutta vaativat liikkeet kokoontuvat Helsinkiin
Esa Mäkinen, Helsingin Sanomat 18.6.2012
OKFESTErilaiset avoimen datan ja hallinnon läpinäkyvyyden teemat ovat olleet esillä Helsingissä koko viikon kestävässä Open Knowledge Festivalissa.
Yle Uutiset 19.9.2012Maailman avoin data -aktivistit kokoontuivat suureen konferenssin
Ylen A-studio 26.9.2012We interviewed one of the Tor Project's developers, Runa A. Sandvik yesterday at the Open Knowledge Festival in Helsinki, and she told us what the Tor Projcet is and how it works.
Vapamedia 19.9.2012Monenlaista rekvisiittaa tarvitaan, kun ruotsalainen Hans Rosling, tilastotieteilijä,
lääketieteilijä, puhuja, datavisionääri ja Karoliinisen instituutin professori, esiintyy Open Knowledge -festivaaleilla Helsingissä.Hel Freezes Over – Had it stuck around, this London pop-up might have been just the place to change our perception of Finnish food
Suomea myydään viinalla ja Vilungilla – HelYes!-ravintola syöttää suomalaista ruokaa ja muotoilua lontoolaisille kolmen viikon ajan
HEL YES!Muistellaanpa viimesyksyistä Hel Yes! -ruokailusessiota Lontoossa. – – Hanna Harris, Antto Melasniemi, Mia Wallenius ja Klaus Haapaniemi loivat dream teamina tapahtuman, jota parempaa aikalaisvastinetta historiallisille Milanon Triennale-kuvaelmille saa hakea.
Maya Davies, It's Nice That 22 September 2011
REDDRESSSimply Reddress – Company's Reddress is part couture, part sculpture, part performance and a chance to slip into something enormously comfortable
Artist Residencies – Catalysts for Export – Experiences from the UK and Ireland
Hanna Harris, Suomen Lontoon instituutin taide- ja kulttuuriohjelman johtaja, Arsis February 2009
Taiteilijaresidenssit taiteen viennin moottori
Det var en gång på ett café...
Finnish Institute’s New Art & Culture Program
Union Street Urban Orchid by Heather Ring
Practices in Finland/UK exchange programme announced by the Architectural Foundation
HEL/LO är ännu ett exempel på ett offensivt Helsingfors som möter omvärlden med ett nytt självförtroende.
The inaugural event of the HEL/LO – Let's Talk series saw a lively debate between Finns and Brits on design and dreams, and a new UK product launch from Finnish design firm Iittala
Yhdistelmä on täydellinen: keskustelutilaisuus julkisen tilan kekseliäästä käytöstä, kaupunkikulttuurista ja muotoilun mahdollisuuksista Paviljongissa, joka rakennettiin WDC-vuoden kunniaksi jättömaalle Designmuseon ja Arkkitehtuurimuseon väliin.
Victoria & Albert -museon keramiikkataiteen residenssi
Keramiikkataiteen residenssi V & A -museoon.
Roller Derby Kisses
Takapuolen mustelmat kukoistavat Riikka Hyvösen tauluissa – teokset saivat huomiota maailmallakin.
In Riikka Hyvönen’s Art, a Bruise on the Buttock Is a Badge of Honour.
Bruised bottoms: the multicoloured markings of Roller Derby – in pictures.
This guide brings together art’s next big names.
La belleza de los moretones en el Roller Derby.
Roller Derby Kisses by Riikka Hyvönen.
Muses with Bruises.
Riikka Hyvönen, la belleza en los moretones.
Μελανιές αθλητριών… από την Riikka Hyvönen.
“Roller Derby Kisses” by Artist Riikka Hyvönen.
Schönheit ist Schmerz – Wenn Blutergüsse zur Kunst werden.
Los moratones ‘trofeo’ de las patinadoras de roller derby.
Riikka Hyvönen captures the mini galaxies on the butts of roller derby girls.
Roller Derby Kisses: a beleza dos hematomas!
Roller Derby Kisses de Riikka Hyvönen.
Les peintures de (gros) jolis bleus de joueuses de roller derby en forme de galaxies.
Roller derby has a pretty ugly (back) side.
Oho! Zilumu mākslas darbi uz dibena...
Bruises as Art Make Us Flinch.
It’s a sport of strong, passionate women, often duking it out on the roller arena. They play hard, and sometimes they give each other kisses… butt kisses. Not the good kind, though.
Roller Derby Kisses: nossos hematomas são lindos.
This Women Takes Roller Derby Butt Bruises And Turns Them Into Art.
Meet The Roller Derby Creative Who Really Does Suffer For Her Art.
Kolory na skórze.
Roller Derby Kisses, una oda a los moratones.
The beautiful bruised butts of roller derby by Riikka Hyvönen.
Una artista retrata la belleza de los moretones en las chicas que practican roller derby.
50 tons de roxo.
¡Las fotos de los moretones de las chicas deportistas es furor!
Cruisin' for a Bruisin': Derby "Kisses" From Riikka Hyvönen.
Pop, kitsch, and perhaps even slightly camp in their glittery leather glory, the 3D objects, made by Hyvönen are somewhere between sculptures and paintings.
It’s only when the heart begins to beat wildly and without pattern – when it begins to realize its boundlessness – that its newly adamant pulse bangs on the walls of its cage and is bruised by its enclosure.
Los hermosos moretones hiperrealistas en la pintura de Riikka Hyvönen.
¿Arte o meme?: Moretones convertidos en obras de arte.
The violence we associate to bruises are the symbol of the strength defining women. They symbolize the capacity of a woman in life in general to fall and get back up again.
50 Shades of Purple: Stunning paintings of roller derby butts and their bruises!
Dangerous Minds -blog 29.9.2015
Most of us flinch when we see a bad bruise. Finland born, Helsinki based artist Riikka Hyvönen sees an inspiring myriad of colors that tell a story. Her art combines hyperrealism painting with sculptural elements, pop and kitsch styles, taking the pain that we have all experienced at some point and making it strangely alluring.
Hi-Fructose Magazine 26.9.2015
With portraying bruises as “kisses”, the discourse of what is producing women’s bruises is changing. Instead of being exclusively embedded into a paradigm of an abuse, women’s bruises can arise from pleasurable fun.
I find it fascinating how these women give their bruises a completely different meaning: They see bruises as trophies ... Posting photos online and competing in who’s got the most colorful, biggest bruise has become an essential part of the roller derby culture.
Riikka Hyvönen malt "blaue Flecken" auf hübsche Hintern und Oberschenkel, Devotionalien harter Roller Derby Attacken.
This sport is known for its support to the feminism struggle around the world. The bruise is the central element in the paintings and invites us to look at its colors variations.
The striking images may initially look like photos, but they're actually huge, three-dimensional paintings.
Roller derbyn vahvat naiset tekivät niin suuren vaikutuksen suomalaiseen kuvataiteilijaan, että hän ikuisti ystäviensä muhkeiden mustelmien koristamia pyllyjä. Nyt näistä teoksista kohistaan ympäri maailmaa.
Момент, когда синяки на задницах стали произведениями искусства.
Valtava taulu, jossa komeilee kolmiulotteisena muhkea takapuoli ja sitäkin muhkeampi mustelma. Lontoossa esillä oleva suomalaistaiteilijan näyttely Roller Derby -naisten mustelmista niittää mainetta maailmalla.
Roller Derby Kisses – When the bruises on thighs become works of art.
I lividi delle pattinatrici di Roller Derby diventano arte.
Roller Derby Kisses : les bleus des filles sont jolis.
What's coming out of Goldsmiths truly impressed me this year, especially Riikka Hyvönen whose work explored the beauty of bruises. My friend did ask me if I just liked her work because it was pink and was of a bum. Probably was.
Sarah Akwisombe blog 10.7.2015
El quid del magullón.
Riikka Hyvönen es quien se ha encargado de convertir increíbles hematomas en una forma de arte mpas para ser apreciada.
When girls first start rollerskating, they naturally spend quite a bit of time falling over and hurting themselves. Those with the fortitude to persevere get better and stop falling over and hurting themselves. Then, if they get really good, they join roller derby teams, and start hurting each other.
Goldsmiths Investigative Spirit Shines In 2015 BA Fine Art Degree Show.
Mustelma pyllyssä voi olla naiselle palkinto, ja siksi siitä tuli taidetta.
The finnish artist Riikka Hyvonen has a passion for underground and alternative culture, including this way too unrecognized womanly sport : roller derby.
The finnish artist Riikka Hyvonen has a passion for underground and alternative culture, including this way too unrecognized womanly sport : roller derby.
The female body can take hits and tackles as well as the male, but the rules of team sports can be patronising and almost degrading towards female bodies. Roller derby is one of the few contact team sports that is better for women. I think it lets women to show their full strength, speed, power, agility and tactics.
Foto: i lividi delle giocatrici di roller derby sono spaventosi.
Tove Jansson: The Tales From The Nordic Archipelago
The author of the children’s series The Moomins has a cult following. Marking Jansson’s 100th birthday, this display of rare photographs and archive material – illustrations, first editions – is entitled “Tales from the Nordic Archipelago” and focuses on her summer life on a private Finnish island.
Financial Times: Critics' Choice 19.7. - 20.7.2014
Closer to home, the ICA gives over its Fox Reading Room to a far more intimate perspective. “Tove Jansson: Tales from the Nordic Archipelago”, a collection of previously unseen books, illustrations and photographs, many taken on the islands where she and Pietila spent their summers, gives an intriguing glimpse into the life of the woman who created the Moomins.
Harper’s Bazaar August 2014 issue
Tales from the Nordic Archipelago gives a charming insight into the Finnish author and artist’s life on her private island in the archipelago of Finland.
Rare family photographs reveal a story of an extraordinary life.
Reason and intuition
You think placing Finnish modernism in an 18th century house wouldn’t work but I loved the interaction between old and new.
Upstairs is the best bit; here you can stop and pause and read a few of the books on the coffee table, just as you would if you were in someones home.This exhibition brings together the work of my favourite architect Alvar Aalto and contemporary Finnish artist Ola Kolehmainen.
Cate St.Hill blog 7.7.2014 architecture journalist, design and lifestyle blogger based in London, UK
To deepen exhibition experience, it is allowed to test functionality of Aalto by sitting on chairs on display!
EMBASSY OF FINLAND, London 4.7.2014
Two Finnish design heavyweights are being celebrated at a new London show opening next month.
The art, architecture and design of Finland will be celebrated in London.
Ola Kolehmainen’s complex new images are theatrical and epic in scale, with a nod to architectural history and even classical painting.
Bringing together the finest works of an acknowledged great of international modernist architecture and design and three collections of images by an acclaimed Finnish photographer.
Oppi showed itself to be a space to discuss, to think and to learn together.
Nesta (Oliver Quinlan) 17.4.2014
Finally, an international learning festival dealing with the most fascinating and mind-blowing issues in learning and discussing global challenges and mega trends without stiff self-important lectures and academic jargon. Even if some of the topics were serious and heartfelt, the atmosphere in general was relaxed and joyful.
Schools going global 16.4.2014
With exhibitors like Rovio’s Angry Birds Playground, speakers like Dr. Sugata Mitra of “Hole in the Wall” fame , and performances by talented artists like Finland’s deaf rapper Signmark, it’s no wonder the 1300 participants were buzzing with conversation and ideas as they came coming through the Oppi doors.
It is incredible that what I have reported here is only a tenth of what happened in the first day. The impressive line-up made us wish to be able to be in different places.
Session after session, the festival was teaching: Anything is possible.
It was a truly engaging and thought provoking festival with buckets of personality, crazy humour and positive 'let's get it, not sweat it' ethos behind it.
The Hum of Dewey Digital 14.4.2014
OPPI felt both informal and flexible, and its programme and heart felt driven by the learning and teaching community.
Possibly the biggest three for me were around being optimistic (but in a measured way), the importance of teaching and finally the need to hear other voices.Open Knowledge Foundation 14.4.2014
Studying the Finnish education system last week was amazing.
The Global Search for Education: What did you learn at Oppi?
This was an education conference with a difference, and the difference was the attitude. An openminded, ‘can do’, dare I say it ‘game changing’ attitude seemed to emanate from the contributors and attendees alike and this was a credit to the spirit in which the Oppi festival was forged.
#oppibug one of UK’s trending Twitter topics.
The first day closed with a truly inspirational presentation from the deaf Finnish rap artist Signmark.
A big thanks to the Oppi organisers for a truly great event, well worth the trip.Local Schools Network 11.4.2014
Outside it was raining, and cold as Christmas; inside the Sun was shining, everyone was smiling and the future was bright.
Brilliant speakers.
But I come today not to read the entrails of success. I come instead as Educational Renta-Moomin.Finland has a reputation for excellence in education in terms of both high quality and equal opportunities for all. Hence, organizing a global learning festival in Helsinki designed for teachers and educators to celebrate best practices in education, and bringing together 90 of the world's leading experts from 18 different countries, makes a lot of sense, right?
The Viewpoint floating platform by AOR in London, UK.
Get some perspective at King’s Cross Viewpoint floating platform.
Viewpoint floating platform provides peaceful hideaway on London canal.
Viewpoint: Finnish Architects.
AORs floating Viewpoint offers glimpses of London’s canal-side wildlife.
Viewpoint Floating Platform by AOR Architecture is unveiled in London's King's Cross.
Camley Street Viewpoint.
Destination King's Cross 7.2.2014
AOR's floating Viewpoint offers glimpses of London's canal-side wildlife.
Gorgeous Viewpoint Platform Invites Busy Londoners to Enjoy the Wildlife of Regents' Canal.
Hot Hub - King's Cross is on the right track.
Property: Floating Viewpoint platform planned for Regent's Canal aims to create intimate atmosphere
Camden New Journal Online 6.9.2013
Quality new space? It's all in the Finnish.
Wild about nature – Floating Viewpoint Camley Street Natural Park.
Suomen Lontoon-instituutti ja brittiläinen arkkitehtuurikeskus Architecture Foundation yhdessä London Wildlife Trustin kanssa valitsevat suomalaisen arkkitehdin toteuttamaan kelluvan näköalapaikan Lontoon keskustaan.