Jesse Pietilä

One designer under the spotlight - one creative mind untangled!
'Featured Designer' untangles one designer's mind at a time, through five up front questions.
Our first featured designer under the spotlight is Helsinki-based interior architect and exhibition designer Jesse Pietilä, who recently participated in the 'If You Could Collaborate' exhibition at the A Foundation Gallery in London.
1. What drives you?
- The world is not ready yet!2. Where do you do your best thinking?
- This is not too site-specific, on the other hand I feel myself comfortable in inspiring enviroments suchs as architecture, art, science, nature etc.3. Who would you love to collaborate with?
- Not an easy question to give an answer to! Surely it would be delightful to get in contact with some great and established minds of design.4. What is the biggest challenge in today's society?
- Categorial equality.5. Where would you like to be 2020?
- Whether next to a computer (designing something), next to some old & new technology or/and nature.. . .
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