Take Part in International Open Data Day 23 February
The International Open Data Day events take place all around the world and invite participants from all backgrounds to experiment with open data.
Open Data Day aims to bring together people from different fields and with diverse interests around the world. The purpose is to promote open data policies and their adoption by liberating data, writing applications, creating visualisations and publishing analyses by utilising open public data. The events are open to anyone: from curious citizens to journalists, tech-geeks to scientists, designers to data wranglers.
At the heart of the Open Data Day are the multiple Open Data Hackathons worldwide, events in which the participants collaborate intensively on various software projects. The London hackathon is being hosted by Open Knowledge Foundation at the Centre for Creative Collaboration. Whether taking part on site or via Internet, singing up in advance is preferable. Participants can expect to learn more about open data, dig into UK Government open data, collaborate for the Open Research Data Handbook and help locate open datasets in cities around the world in Open Data Census Challenge.
Homepage for the Open Data Day event in London
More information on the Open Data Hackathons
List of Open Data Day Events worldwide
Daniel Schildt: OKFest Hacklab, 2012