Järvi & Ruoho is a Helsinki based duo who's work spans a broad field of design, while focusing on industrial design, furniture design, interior design and concept design. Järvi & Ruoho produce ingenious, practical solutions to various challenges. Their work has appeared in various Scandinavian design exhibitions and numerous international publications. Recognition has also come from international and national competitions, including the Italian Caiazza Memorial Challenge and the Finnish Fennia Prize.
1. What drives you?
Järvi: I get my inspiration from moments. The afternoon rush-hour in New York can be as inspiring as a lingering light in a forest on a summer night.
Ruoho: Well-designed surroundings are motivating and badly designed ones inspire me to design something better.
2. Where do you do your best thinking?
Järvi: My thoughts are clearest during my morning shower after a good night's sleep. Good ideas also tend to come up when a deadline approaches, no matter where I am. It's good to have just the right amount of pressure and tranquility.
Ruoho: In different in-between states. My mind is at its best at the moment of waking or when I'm really tired.
3. Who would you love to collaborate with?
It could have something to do with lighting planning or stage-design... like what Jonathan Demme and Talking Heads did in the concert film "Stop Making Sense".
4. What is the biggest challenge in today's society?
From the design industry's point of view, it would be great to see more design-focused enterprises being set up in Finland.
5. Where would you like to be 2020?
Järvi: Somewhere surrounded by my family, children and friends. I would like to have a good amount of both country- and urban living in my life. I would like to share my time between living in the city and in the countryside.
Ruoho: On a small Caribbean island surrounded by the sea doing the kind of design work I'm doing now. I already have a good island picked out, but being able to work from there requires some further planning.
Picture: Juha Ruuska